Origami is a 2D local multiplayer platformer, set in the Japanese paper world of origami art. On each level, the players must cooperate to dispose of the paper trash.
Engine: Unity
Team: Bianka Kovacs, Eunice Lim, Zac Emerzian
Designed level layouts
Programmed level pieces
Folded origami for stop motion animation
Development Process
Starting Off
We knew we wanted to make cooperative 2D puzzle platformer with an origami influence. In order to bake cooperation into the design as much as possible, we decided to have two character with completely different abilities, a turtle and a rabbit. These two could additionally fold into another different form, an umbrella and airplane.
Selling the Paper
We tried using images of origami characters, but it didn't quite feel like paper. To hit home that paper feel, we knew that stop motion animation was the best option.
It was a learning process, but after a number of attempts and upgrading our setup we finally got a result we were quite happy. Learning how to do origami as a kid came in handy.
Design Philosophy
We wanted each level to accomplish two things:
Organically teach the players something about the game
Engage/involve both players
No text prompts to explain things
Having the levels organically teach the players didn't prove to be that challenging, but getting the right first level took some iteration.
Each level was named by what mechanic or rule that the game presented to the players. For example, one would illustrate that the turtle can swim through water while the rabbit cannot. It took time for me to realize that the most important lesson the first level had to teach was not even mechanical, it was the mindset we wanted the players to have: cooperation.