Development Process
The idea came as a mush-up of Missile Command and binary matrix lightup puzzles. I wanted to try my hand procedural generation, which worked well to make a roguelike.
Procedural Difficulty
I knew I wanted diffusing a bomb to be solving a matrix light-up puzzle, and the typical ones use a plus shape.
Just modifying the height and width of the switch board wasn't enough of a sufficient lever to modify the difficulty enough. In order to have more of a tutorial and more difficult puzzles later in a run, I made 4 different switch patterns.
The first pattern is just a simple dot, this ensures the player learns how to interact with the switch board puzzle and what ultimate goal is before they are hit with harder challenges. I made these first ones easy enough so that on repeated runs more experienced players can get through them quickly.
The second is the standard plus shape, which adds a wrinkle to the players plan. The next is an "x" shape, which again requires a different approach. The last pattern is a target shape, which is exceptionally tricky.
By lining them up in this way, it gives the player a much fairer shot at learning and progressing. The constantly changing board size ensures that it isn't monotonous. After completing 4 bombs of each type, they begin to randomize.

